Friday, March 2, 2012

Also Having Computer Issues...

Hey, everyone! This is Diana B! Sorry I haven't been posting much lately, technical difficulties are making it hard to get a chance to post. But here I am!

First of all, the Leap Day sale just finished so now you can't get those snack packs off. Hope you took advantage of the sale while you could!

Secondly, more and more people are getting the Kirin's Hoard and have the cool Kirin mounst! The Kirins seem to be unicorn-dragon-goat mounts. A little odd but still cool!

Last of all, I decided to expand my carpet trick as much as possible, so it's going to be pretty big! Yay!

Sorry, I donn't have enough time to do the quote-of-the-weeks! I'll do a post later that has a whole bunch but for now I have to go! See ya,

Diana B