Thursday, September 15, 2011

Woohoo! Savannah and Maria OUT OF DRAGONSPYRE!

YAY! *does little jig of happiness* We spent our night last night trying to get out of that horrible, dreadful place filled with little and big dragins alike. (Yes, I like to call them dragins not dragons) *Ahem* Anyways, it only took us about a half hour to get to little ol' Mali because we had some help from two other people. Sorry I don't have any pics. I guess I got so excited about leaving that I kinda forgot. Haha. So now Maria and I are gonna split up since we got through the first "main" part of the game. Celestia is kinda hard for Savannah though so I am going to go back and work on a few sidequests in Mooshu to try and level her up a bit. So until then I will try and get some pics of me workin in Celestia! Laterz gatorz! =D

Savannah GriffinFriend