Saturday, November 19, 2011

Zafaria on the Live Realm!

 Hey guys! I know this is a little bit late but I have been busy with many things so I haven't been on lately. I just head the news yesterday that Zafaria came out on the live realm! I am soooo happy! =D I just got on a few minutes ago and looked in on all the cool stuff that came along with this aweosme new world. The first thing I want to bring up about this is the fact that you can now feed your pet clothing and it can give you gold, rare reagants, or level its self up! It seemed like a good idea but what if you have an epic and you feed it something that gives it experience when it doesn't need it? Anyways, I was surprised about what I found in the crowns shop. The first thing I noticed was that they didn't have all three mounts they only had the ostrich. Another thing that I saw was that they had school specific clothing. (I think they are the first ones ever!) They are level 65 and up and they have some pretty nice spells and stats. The only bad thing is that you can't change the colour. I do like the simple design though! I also noticed a couple of pretty adorable pets, the leopard and the skink. (I like the leopard better, personally.) I hope to see all of you guys out in Zafaria once I get there! I will post some pictures below of the new things you can do!

Savannah GriffinFriend

Now there is a third icon down at the bottom so if you choose some sort of clothing you can click that icon to feed you pet!

Here is the new ostrich mount. I don't personally like it but I suppose a lot of other people do.

Here is the non-school specific outfit. Sadly it is the same price as the others.

Here is the balance version. Same theme except different colours. I couldn't show the stats because they would have covered the actual picture of the clothing.

Here is the amazingly cute leopard pet. Isn't it just so cute?!

Here is the very curious looking skink. Odd looking right?

Finally, here is the new staff. Pretty amazing!