Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Giraffe pet

Hi, guys! Diana B here!

So, Savannah was showing me her house. And I thought it looked really good but as soon as I got in there I saw her giraffe pet and it's SO CUTE! I hadn't seen it before and seeing it then just made me smile.

And so did my new record for Triton. ;D

Anyways: Not much new going on; I, myself, hope that the Test Realm closes soon (or Zafaria comes to the live realm) because the Wizard101 world is a little boring for us right now... But until it DOES come, you should see Savannah's post about the Wyvern's hoard if you haven't already. If you never got that wyvern, now's your chance!

Ok, well, nothing else to say, so here's the quote of the week:

"We know the speed of light... What's the speed of dark?"

Diana B out!