Saturday, October 22, 2011

Work, Work, Work

Hi, everyone! By now you should be able to guess who this is! ;D

So, I have been working for AGES to find out how to do the famed 'carpet glitch'. After many, many, MANY attempts, I finally found out how to do  it using one of the simpler ways. And after about a week, I came up with a floor around the pvp thing in the Massive Fantasy Palace. I had to spend a lot of extra money since I accidentally kept picking up the carpets and losing one or two... hehe... but here is the final result! (Except for the fact that I am expanding across the entire pvp floor.)

Don Don Don... Big staircase

That tree is blocking me!!!! Darn tree...

Ha, tree! I'm above you now! Neenerneenerneer...

Um... You're not telling me I have to jump down, right?!?! 
A long jump down to here

View (More trees in way)

And here is the whole view! See those double carpets? That's one of the spots that I messed up in... xD

ANNNNNNND last but not least... after 9 Orthrus, a grove unicorn, and over 300,000 gold, I FINALLY got my tempest hound!!! Yay! It's giving good talents so far; spritely and "May cast myth trap".

Thank you, Wizard101!!!

That's all I have for you! Diana B. out!