Monday, October 17, 2011

Test Realm is open, and Kingsisle's asking people to use it

Hi, guys! Diana B talking!

You can go to the test realm again to try out all their new stuff!!! Yay!!! You'll have to tell me if it's fun because the test realm doesn't work on MY (probably only my) computer without slowing it down tremendously and giving it a virus. So tell me if it's cool! =D

Not much new going on... I have my 9th Orthrus and Savannah finally got into Wintertusk...

As for the quote of the week, I don't think I got to it last week (SORRY) I was pretty busy. So, instead, I'll give you TWO quotes this week.

"I want to die peacefully like my grandpa; not screaming like the people in the back of his car."


"A seminary student answered the question 'What is it called when you graduate from the seminary?' as 'Being pasteurized!'"