"Kestrel! Kestrel! Wake up! The ship is under attack! You need to get off right away!"
"Ugh. What's going on up there mum?"
"Hun. The ship is under attack. I need you to get off and go straight to Skull Island."
"What about you and papa?!"
"If we survive we will meet you at the tavern."
CRASH! Clomp clomp clomp!
"Now hurry! They know we're down here!!"
We look into each other's eyes and know that this will be the last time we will see each other. I run
to the escape raft tied to the back end of the ship and, with tears in my eyes, I set sail for Skull Island. Hoping I don't get caught.
I have decided to try and write a story about Kestrel Deveraux and her adventures through the Spiral. I hope you guys enjoy it! I will post a new episode every week. If you have any suggestions please email them to awizardsworld@gmail.com
Savannah GriffinFriend