Sunday, September 25, 2011

Read this if you want a Wyvern's Hoard!

Diana B here!

So today I got bored. I was out of crowns, so I bought some and got the awesome pegasus mount I wanted :D but I was really at a loss of what to do with the rest of my crowns, so I came up with an idea:

Random Question Crowns!

Every week or so (until I run out of crowns) I will run around and ask a random question like "What's 1+1 times Giraffe?" Whoever gives me the wildest answer will recieve a WYVERN'S HOARD from me! Isn't that awesome?!?!?!

Ok, so this week's question (you guys are lucky for reading this, you get a sneak peek!) is:
How EXACTLY is "Oni" (war oni, death oni, plague oni, jade oni, etc)?

Ok guys, I'm asking on Wednesday, so be in the crowded commons realms and look for me on either Diana BlueThorn or Diana IceRiver!

And in other annoucements: I finally rembered what mine and Savannah's projects are going to be. More info soon!

And the quote of the week: "When you're right, no one remembers. When you're wrong, no one forgets."

Diana B