Monday, September 26, 2011

Heyo from Celestia and Mooshu!

 Hey guys! Ok, so mostly I have been working on my garden and saving up for my awesome project, but I have an AWESOME quote that I just found. (And I do not mean to steal Diana's thunder here) Quote: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result." -Albert Einstien
Man... I LOVE Albert. Haha. He is probably the coolest guy ever! Anyways, back on topic... so yeah. Basically just a slow week. I hope to be back on track in a couple weeks. Also, I am going to be gone this weekend yet again and am going to put up the Pet of the Month on Friday instead of Saturday. Hope to see you in the Spiral!

Savannah GriffinFriend

Below are a couple of pictures of what I have been doing on Lauren, my life wizard.

Heh heh... my favorite line from the WHOLE Crab Alley quest line.

Hmm... weird... is it a glitch or has the "king" left the room?