Friday, September 30, 2011

A cool new housing item?!

 Hey guys! So again I was up late and was looking at the housing items in the bazaar and came across a housing item called Serpent Seat. I didn't get the chance to take a picture for you but I did figure out where to get it. You get it from the Prince Manu Nirini in the Throne Room of Fire. You know, that last big dungeon in the Pyramid of the Sun? Haha. Yeah, that one. It is the first boss you fight so make sure to make the battle long. I have heard from many sources that making the boss fight longer then you have more of a chance for rare loot and a lot more loot than when you first start out. Anyways, if I happen to get one  of these awesome housing items I will post it fpr all you guys to see! Laterz Gatorz!

Savannah GriffinFriend

Thursday, September 29, 2011

I got it!

Hey everyone! Diana B here!

Guess what?? Savannah's going to kill me that's what! (Not literally.) Because I got the GOLD WYVERN! Yes! :D I have already been asked to gift people 3 times, but I said no because they were just random people that were in the commons. They probably wouldn't get them anyway because it took me almost $80 worth of crowns to get my the wyvern :P ok well here's a picture of me and my wyvern! :D :D :D :D

Me and my wyvern... think I'm gonna call him Larry

Monday, September 26, 2011

Heyo from Celestia and Mooshu!

 Hey guys! Ok, so mostly I have been working on my garden and saving up for my awesome project, but I have an AWESOME quote that I just found. (And I do not mean to steal Diana's thunder here) Quote: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result." -Albert Einstien
Man... I LOVE Albert. Haha. He is probably the coolest guy ever! Anyways, back on topic... so yeah. Basically just a slow week. I hope to be back on track in a couple weeks. Also, I am going to be gone this weekend yet again and am going to put up the Pet of the Month on Friday instead of Saturday. Hope to see you in the Spiral!

Savannah GriffinFriend

Below are a couple of pictures of what I have been doing on Lauren, my life wizard.

Heh heh... my favorite line from the WHOLE Crab Alley quest line.

Hmm... weird... is it a glitch or has the "king" left the room?

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Read this if you want a Wyvern's Hoard!

Diana B here!

So today I got bored. I was out of crowns, so I bought some and got the awesome pegasus mount I wanted :D but I was really at a loss of what to do with the rest of my crowns, so I came up with an idea:

Random Question Crowns!

Every week or so (until I run out of crowns) I will run around and ask a random question like "What's 1+1 times Giraffe?" Whoever gives me the wildest answer will recieve a WYVERN'S HOARD from me! Isn't that awesome?!?!?!

Ok, so this week's question (you guys are lucky for reading this, you get a sneak peek!) is:
How EXACTLY is "Oni" (war oni, death oni, plague oni, jade oni, etc)?

Ok guys, I'm asking on Wednesday, so be in the crowded commons realms and look for me on either Diana BlueThorn or Diana IceRiver!

And in other annoucements: I finally rembered what mine and Savannah's projects are going to be. More info soon!

And the quote of the week: "When you're right, no one remembers. When you're wrong, no one forgets."

Diana B

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

New News

Hi guys! Diana B here!

I got this AMAZING idea for a project!!! I was so happy! I was ready to tell everyone but then I completely forgot what it was! Haha. I will think about it and update you when we have our finished plan!

I also got my seventh Orthrus in a row while hatching with a grand pet. Is that a record?

There's nothing much important happening as of right now, so I think I'll just say one of my old poems from when Wintertusk had just come out! :)

Wizard City's for beginners,
Krokotopia's for lizards.
Grizzleheim is mostly bears;
In Mooshu, the cows are heirs.
Dragonspyre? Filled with lava,
Celestia is crab-o-rama!
Look at all these worlds! I'm stuck!
What?! But now there's Wintertusk!

And finally, the quote of the week:

"Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the world together!"

Diana B out!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Savannah's Amazing Garden

 Hey guys! I am just trying to keep up to my promise and post at least once every week, and lately I haven't been on so I don't have a WHOLE lot to tell you, but I have been working on a garden to try and become a level 9 gardener! Currently I think I am about halfway through level eight... probably because I have a couple of Key Limes in my garden. Earlier this week my first Key Lime was harvested as an elder and it gave me 3000 xp! I almost fell out of my chair! I was NOT expecting that to happen! I thought it would only give me something like 500 xp! That was just absolutely crazy! Anyways, I also wanted to tell you guys that I will be gone this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday for certain reasons I shall not say, but they ARE important reasons! Haha. So, here is a picture I just took of my amazing garden. Laterz!

Savannah GriffinFriend

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Woohoo! Savannah and Maria OUT OF DRAGONSPYRE!

YAY! *does little jig of happiness* We spent our night last night trying to get out of that horrible, dreadful place filled with little and big dragins alike. (Yes, I like to call them dragins not dragons) *Ahem* Anyways, it only took us about a half hour to get to little ol' Mali because we had some help from two other people. Sorry I don't have any pics. I guess I got so excited about leaving that I kinda forgot. Haha. So now Maria and I are gonna split up since we got through the first "main" part of the game. Celestia is kinda hard for Savannah though so I am going to go back and work on a few sidequests in Mooshu to try and level her up a bit. So until then I will try and get some pics of me workin in Celestia! Laterz gatorz! =D

Savannah GriffinFriend

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Hi everyone! Diana BlueThorn here!

Yes! We managed to get out of Dragonspyre! Yaaaay! Dragonspyre is the world that takes the longest in my opinion, so I am VERY excited :)

Yes, we beat Malistaire. Unfortunately, I forgot to take some pictures of us beating him. OH well.

I'll see if Savannah has some pics, but until then, bye!

--Diana B

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Hi, everyone!!! Diana B. here!

First of all: Wizard101 is in a voting contest! If they win, you get a FREE wyvern's hoard pack and I've even heard rumors about a FREE permanent pet!!! Wow! Let's get voting! That's one more wyvern's hoard pack closer you are to getting that wyvern!!!

In other news: Savannah and my character Maria are FINALLY at Malistaire. So be looking forward to some pictures of us beating him and seeing his wife (who looks just a bit like John Lennon...)

And finally: Here are my recent pet fails! I've gotten one...two...three...four...FIVE Orthrus and a UNICORN. Hopefully when I hatch with Savannah's hydra, it will turn out into something cool. Also, I hatched my collosus with a hydra (painfully, as EVERYONE seemed to want a frost hound RIGHT THEN) and I got... a CREEPER! :D It's a hydra with three blue heads instead of blue, red and purple heads.

Oh well. My pet luck is not too bad and not too good, but at least we might FINALLY get out of Dragonspyre! :)

And the quote of the week: "Everyone has a photographic memory; some just don't have film."

Bye for now! --Diana BlueThorn

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Work, work, and MORE work!

Hey guys! Sorry we havn't been posting lately! We have been very busy with school and getting even deeper into Dragonspyre so once we FINALLY get out of Dragonspyre we will post some AWESOME pics of us getting rid of the horrible Malistare! Laters!
Savannah GriffinFriend
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Friday, September 2, 2011

Happy Birthday, Wizard101!

Hello again, everybody! Diana BlueThorn here!

I foun out today that it's Wizard101's third birthday! Hooray! As usual, they are awesome and are giving out one FREE birthday item. The items are chose at random. You even have a chance at getting a rare Party Snack Pack!

Ok, well, that's all for now! --Diana BlueThorn

Thursday, September 1, 2011

A Special Surprise has JUST arrived! =D

 YAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!!! It has FINALLY come! Haha. I guess KI got tired of EVERYBODY asking for one of these along with some new AWESOME houses. So the new things are two different, totally awesome, PEGASUS MOUNTS!!!! One is black and red and the other is white and blue! I think they look completely and totally AWESOME! they are the PERFECT thing for EVERYONE to have! :D I also found out about the awesome new houses that just arrived. One is an underwater house... probably based off celestia and crab alley. It has a sunken ship and a very very VERY BIG leak inside but none the less a great house overall. The other one is the Wizard's Watchtower. I think it is REALLY cool... especially the dragin. Haha. He sleeps on top of ALL of his treasure. I wonder if there is one guarding the telescope...I think the inside is kind of small though so it is mainly for storage of inside stuff. I think.....Anyways, I just wanted to announce the awesome arrival of these cool things! Laterz gatorz! Savannah GriffinFriend

I just found an AWESOME housing item!

Ok guys. You ready for this? Last night I was up late 'cause I couldn't sleep so I went on and I decided to look for something to put in Lauren's Massive Fantasy Palace so I went to the bazaar. I got a couple of those awesome umbrella trees and I was looking under the outdoor items and found the awesome housing item! It's called.......... CHICKEN COOP!!!! OMIGOSH! When I found it I was like, "You can't be serious..." then I realized it would look AWESOME in a special spot in my palace! Here is a pic of the awesome housing item! :D

There is a little chick! AND THE CHICKENS MOVE! =D

Savannah GriffinFriend