Here is the front entrance! I know the trees don't fit well but then again, does anything really fit well?!
Down there, it's hard to see but there is a campsite with a fire, a log, a tent, and a picnic table :) (My friend's idea)
Here is the main room, with collosuses "fighting" each other, and awesome wallpaper :) and my newest pet, my wyvern
Here is the trophy room, you can see the spiral cup over there behind the lectern... and more awesome wallpaper :)
Here is the top of the tower!
Ok, guys, that's the house I won from the contest! Tell me how well (or badly) I decorated it! Also, a special thanks to Savannah, who kindly told me how to put these pictures up (see my last post).
And a special BONUS quote of the week because I'm so happy!
"I lay in my bed sometimes, gazing up at the stars, wondering, 'Where the heck is my ceiling?!?!?!"
Bye for now, everyone! Diana BlueThorn out!