This evening I helped out Talyor (AKA Oran RubyPants, a long time good in-game friend) in the Labrynth along with Diana's myth wiz. We blew right through it because we had a different Diana to help us. She was a level 60 death wizard and we had TON of fun because of her being there. Although halfway through it a certain *cough cough* someone happened to steal my moo. But now I am very happy because Oran can now have the Power Nova spell. We all like to call it the Cheesy Sneezeball. It makes more sense when you have the sound on too. I can't wait until the new world Wysteria comes out! I'M SO EXCITED!!! I think it will give us a few new awesome ideas for projects too! ;D So be on the lookout! Below are some images of us in the labrynth and out! =)
Here we are looking for one of the last street bosses.
Here is Diana and me while waiting for orders from Oran.
Here we are just starting to fight the VERY last boss! :D
Savannah GriffinFriend