Savannah, I read your post below and since the pirate guy's name is Angus McBlackBeard all I can think of now is Angus McBurger. Haha! :D
-Diana B
The tales of two young wizards who have just arrived in Ravenwood: The School of Magical Arts.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
YAY! I have been waiting for the next part of the story of..... ABRACADODLE! I finally figured out that they do one once every month. And now it's TORTURING ME!!!! Haha. At least this helps me know what happened to the poor little wizard dude. HE GOT HIS WAND BACK! WOOT! :D Here is a pic of the comic strip that came out TODAY on the Wizard101 website. If you go to their website and go to the bottom of the homepage then you can view the whole story and then be waiting around every month for the next one! :D

Laterz guys! :D
Savannah GriffinFriend

Laterz guys! :D
Savannah GriffinFriend
NEW! Pet of the Month!
Ok. Sorry I havn't posted lately. So... I am going to start something new now! So every month there is a main astral sign, you know, like libra or taurus. Anyways so September is mainly made up of Virgo Bdays! So I have to think of something green because of Virgos being earth astral signs. So after a while talking with Diana we finally thought up of th Jade Oni (even though it's balance... BUT IT'S GREEN! :D)!!! So now that we know the pet of the month is the Jade Oni I will now say things that Virgo peepz out there are like. Virgos are: funny, helpful, honest, observant, and practical. And for a little extra luck when needed their lucky stone is a SAPPHIRE!!!! Now that I have FINALLY posted something... xD.... Peace out!
Here is that AWESOME, AMAZING Jade Oni! Don't forget to farm him for awesome gear in Mooshu this September!
Savannah GriffinFriend
Monday, August 29, 2011
If Life is Just a Can of Beans, What is Wizard101???
Hi, everyone! Diana BluThorn here! It's everyone's favorite day of the week: MONDAY! Fortunately, mine wasn't too bad.
Anyways, Savannah and I are thinking of doing some projects. Unfortuantely, we are at a loss for ideas. Two words: SUGGESTION TIME! :D This means you get to give us suggestions as of what we should do.
But until then, here are all of my wizards (not in order of level)!
Anyways, Savannah and I are thinking of doing some projects. Unfortuantely, we are at a loss for ideas. Two words: SUGGESTION TIME! :D This means you get to give us suggestions as of what we should do.
But until then, here are all of my wizards (not in order of level)!
Here is my death character
Here is my life character
Here is my fire character
My awesome storm character ;)
and my myth character!
and the quote of the week:
"The road to success is always under construction."
Diana B. out!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Diana BlueThorn
Savannah, why am I hidden in the background? You can barely see the fact that I've gotten a new hat!!! Haha. Just kidding. But I love my new hat. Bet nobody can tell. :)
Hi everyone! Diana BluThorn here! I am proud to say that I won one of the house-a-palooza contests! Yay! :) I won the Dragonspyre Citadel house. Here are some pics of how I decorated it (with my new hat incuded)...
Here is the front entrance! I know the trees don't fit well but then again, does anything really fit well?!
Ok, guys, that's the house I won from the contest! Tell me how well (or badly) I decorated it! Also, a special thanks to Savannah, who kindly told me how to put these pictures up (see my last post).
And a special BONUS quote of the week because I'm so happy!
"I lay in my bed sometimes, gazing up at the stars, wondering, 'Where the heck is my ceiling?!?!?!"
Bye for now, everyone! Diana BlueThorn out!
Here is the front entrance! I know the trees don't fit well but then again, does anything really fit well?!
Down there, it's hard to see but there is a campsite with a fire, a log, a tent, and a picnic table :) (My friend's idea)
Here is the main room, with collosuses "fighting" each other, and awesome wallpaper :) and my newest pet, my wyvern
Here is the trophy room, you can see the spiral cup over there behind the lectern... and more awesome wallpaper :)
Here is the top of the tower!
Ok, guys, that's the house I won from the contest! Tell me how well (or badly) I decorated it! Also, a special thanks to Savannah, who kindly told me how to put these pictures up (see my last post).
And a special BONUS quote of the week because I'm so happy!
"I lay in my bed sometimes, gazing up at the stars, wondering, 'Where the heck is my ceiling?!?!?!"
Bye for now, everyone! Diana BlueThorn out!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Wysteria + New mounts & Gear
Hey, everyone! Sorry I haven't posted anything for a while! Diana BlueThorn here!
So, you've probably already read Savannah's posts on the new world below. It's awesome, I can tell you that much! The population is mostly pigs and rabbits (no clockworks or dogs losing thier purses, yay) but the proffessors here are not what you would expect. Speaking of professors, this world claims that Bartleby is a dumb old tree and that all magic comes from a fountain in the middle of Wysteria. They insist that the schools are frost instead of ice, ember instead of storm, equilibrium instead of balance, chaos instead of myth, spirit instead of death, earth instead of life, and tempest instead of storm. This new world only features two 'battling' areas, but it's a good place to go if you're level 25 or higher, because it gets you a lot of exra experience. Also, Randolf is very mean.
On other subjects... Along with this new world comes a new card pack! Everyone remember the dragon's hoard? Well, this pack, called the Wyvern's hoard, gives you an awesome wyvern mount that can be any of the combinations of colors. This pack also gives odd looking hats, robes and shoes, and a cool wand. That's all I know about the Wyvern's hoard so far!
Yay! I finally managed to get one of my characters, Maria RavenBlood, to level 50! I got some great "No Auction" gear for her, so she is doing well. So is Midnight, her pet! I would put a picture here but, unlike Savannah, I am not smart enough to do that yet :) haha. I also got the "Frostbit Hood" for Diana on my eleventh try through the Waterworks! Yay.
And now, my quote of the week (I don't post every day, so I've changed it from quote of the day to quote of the week):
"I am officially retired. See, I was tired yesterday, and now I'm tired again today!" --Ananymous
Until next time! --Diana BlueThorn
So, you've probably already read Savannah's posts on the new world below. It's awesome, I can tell you that much! The population is mostly pigs and rabbits (no clockworks or dogs losing thier purses, yay) but the proffessors here are not what you would expect. Speaking of professors, this world claims that Bartleby is a dumb old tree and that all magic comes from a fountain in the middle of Wysteria. They insist that the schools are frost instead of ice, ember instead of storm, equilibrium instead of balance, chaos instead of myth, spirit instead of death, earth instead of life, and tempest instead of storm. This new world only features two 'battling' areas, but it's a good place to go if you're level 25 or higher, because it gets you a lot of exra experience. Also, Randolf is very mean.
On other subjects... Along with this new world comes a new card pack! Everyone remember the dragon's hoard? Well, this pack, called the Wyvern's hoard, gives you an awesome wyvern mount that can be any of the combinations of colors. This pack also gives odd looking hats, robes and shoes, and a cool wand. That's all I know about the Wyvern's hoard so far!
Yay! I finally managed to get one of my characters, Maria RavenBlood, to level 50! I got some great "No Auction" gear for her, so she is doing well. So is Midnight, her pet! I would put a picture here but, unlike Savannah, I am not smart enough to do that yet :) haha. I also got the "Frostbit Hood" for Diana on my eleventh try through the Waterworks! Yay.
And now, my quote of the week (I don't post every day, so I've changed it from quote of the day to quote of the week):
"I am officially retired. See, I was tired yesterday, and now I'm tired again today!" --Ananymous
Until next time! --Diana BlueThorn
The Grande Finale!!!
Yay! After about one day's worth of work I finally came through! WITH THE SPIRAL CUP! WOOHOO!!!!!! sadly I can't find a podium to put the trophey on! I think they should make a housing item JUST for the Spiral Cup. SO... just a few minutes ago I finished EVERYTHING I possibly could finish in Wysteria. I think that this world is mostly targeted on level 25-30 wizards so if you aren't one of those levels you will just breeze riht through this place without any prblems at all. I think I am going to start on my level 30 life wiz tomorrow. I think it will be much harder to do because, 1. She is a lower level. 2. She is a life wiz not a balance wiz. Sooo.... anyways I will start with her tomorrow... I mostly just wanted to post some pics of what I saw and thought was cool. Here they are! Enjoy! =D
Savannah GriffinFriend
Savannah GriffinFriend
MAN! Would I hate to be around that desk or what!
I always like to look at the ceilings. They are absolutely BEAUTIFUL!
OH NO! Poor little bunny. I'LL SAVE YOU!
The Spiral Cup and it's Savior!!
Grrrrrrr. Evil Mr. Randolf. HE SHALL PAY FOR HIS TAUNTS!
AH HA! Here is PROOF that Randolf is a CHEATER!
Here is my wonderful "second try" bouquet! Purrtiful isn't it? xD
Friday, August 19, 2011
YES! YES YES YES YES!!!! Wysteria has come out! FINALLY! It also came out with a brand new pack as well! I think it was called the Wyvern's pack... or something like that! I thought that the stuff that was offered looked cool so I spent about ten dollars on crowns and guess what I get... two hats, one pair of boots, a bunch of trees, two staffs, and a couple of treasure cards... all common. Now, I don't mind any of this. Personally I think it is all VERY cool. But after I used my crowns on it I was working in Wysteria and I see about fifteen people pass me with the, supposedly, SUPER EPIC DRAGON MOUNTS! Now, I think they look totally AWESOME, and I don't mind other people having them, but my problem is that I don't think that it is fair for me to get absolutely nothing at least rare and a lot of people to get something rare. Usually I am not the one to complain, but this I think is unfair. The exact same thing happened to me on the Dragon's Hoard pack. I spent about twenty dollars on crowns for it and got almost nothing. I will deal with it but I hope I am not being treated unfairly somehow... anyways... BACK ON TOPIC TIME!
So I have only just started it and I have met practically EVERYONE there! It seems to be a very small world for it's BIG news. I love it mainly for one reason. That one reason is..... drumroll........... PIGS!!!!!!!!! THIS WORLD IS FILLED WITH PIGS!!!!! Now with us and our friends we say that since they are brothers they are the "Three Little Pigs." We also have the bacon pie joke and everything else like that. So this world is totally AWESOME on that part. The only problem currently is the fact that the friends lists are disappearing. There are always those fun glitches when a new world comes out right? Well... HERE IT IS EVERYONE! So what does everyone think about those awesome pegasi in Pegasus Place? I would LOVE for one of thos to be my mounts! That would be COOL! I could just see myself riding on one of those........ Anyways! I will post another post once I have FINISHED Wysteria so below I will leave some pictures of what I have seen so far.
So I have only just started it and I have met practically EVERYONE there! It seems to be a very small world for it's BIG news. I love it mainly for one reason. That one reason is..... drumroll........... PIGS!!!!!!!!! THIS WORLD IS FILLED WITH PIGS!!!!! Now with us and our friends we say that since they are brothers they are the "Three Little Pigs." We also have the bacon pie joke and everything else like that. So this world is totally AWESOME on that part. The only problem currently is the fact that the friends lists are disappearing. There are always those fun glitches when a new world comes out right? Well... HERE IT IS EVERYONE! So what does everyone think about those awesome pegasi in Pegasus Place? I would LOVE for one of thos to be my mounts! That would be COOL! I could just see myself riding on one of those........ Anyways! I will post another post once I have FINISHED Wysteria so below I will leave some pictures of what I have seen so far.
Here is the AWESOME Spiral Cup. I hope I can win it for Wizard City!
I LOVE these sword cases! I wish I could have one...
I wouldn't want to be goofing around in here! ;D
Why are the balance/equiliberrum teachers all dogs???
Hmmm... why a fountain? Personally I prefer Bartleby!
Savannah GriffinFriend
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
The Labrynth! =)
This evening I helped out Talyor (AKA Oran RubyPants, a long time good in-game friend) in the Labrynth along with Diana's myth wiz. We blew right through it because we had a different Diana to help us. She was a level 60 death wizard and we had TON of fun because of her being there. Although halfway through it a certain *cough cough* someone happened to steal my moo. But now I am very happy because Oran can now have the Power Nova spell. We all like to call it the Cheesy Sneezeball. It makes more sense when you have the sound on too. I can't wait until the new world Wysteria comes out! I'M SO EXCITED!!! I think it will give us a few new awesome ideas for projects too! ;D So be on the lookout! Below are some images of us in the labrynth and out! =)
Savannah GriffinFriend
Here we are looking for one of the last street bosses.
Here is Diana and me while waiting for orders from Oran.
Here we are just starting to fight the VERY last boss! :D
Savannah GriffinFriend
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Quote of the Week:
"Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow,
turn this stupid, fat rat yellow."
--Ron Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorceror's stone by J. K Rowling
turn this stupid, fat rat yellow."
--Ron Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorceror's stone by J. K Rowling
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Testing! Testing! 3, 1, 2!
Hey, nobody said you HAVE to put the numbers in order!
Anyway: Hi, I'm Diana BlueThorn! This is my first post. Yes, I was the one who showed Savannah Wizard101, and now we like it so much we made a blog about it (which you're reading right now)...
If you've never seen Wizard101 before, and are interested in seeing what it's about, click to go to the site and see what it's about (or what's new, if you are already joined).
Now, this is our first blog, and what's a successful blog without people to respond to it?! That's right! It's up to YOU to give us ideas or projects! (No pressure though.) Anything goes! Want to know whether a crate of chickens or a crate of hot dogs is better? Need to know where the secret, hidden schools are? Need tips on fighting? All you need to do is ask!
---Diana BlueThorn
Anyway: Hi, I'm Diana BlueThorn! This is my first post. Yes, I was the one who showed Savannah Wizard101, and now we like it so much we made a blog about it (which you're reading right now)...
If you've never seen Wizard101 before, and are interested in seeing what it's about, click to go to the site and see what it's about (or what's new, if you are already joined).
Now, this is our first blog, and what's a successful blog without people to respond to it?! That's right! It's up to YOU to give us ideas or projects! (No pressure though.) Anything goes! Want to know whether a crate of chickens or a crate of hot dogs is better? Need to know where the secret, hidden schools are? Need tips on fighting? All you need to do is ask!
---Diana BlueThorn
Testing Testing 1 2 3!
Hey guys! This is our very first blog and it's very first entry! We wanted to say that this blog will mainly be about Wizard101. We plan to do interesting projects thought up by us OR by you guys! So if you do have any AWESOME ideas for us to try just send us an email at or just leave a comment! We plan on posting at least two times a week but who know how long that will last. Just so all of you know this blog will sometimes be written by me, Savannah, or other times, written by Diana. Diana was the one who showed me Wizard101, and after she showed me I was hooked! I hope you guys will stay with us for the future posts to come!
Savannah Griffinfriend
Savannah Griffinfriend
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