Friday, December 30, 2011

Not Much of a Post

 Hey guys! Christmas was pretty busy for me. Heh. We, of course, opened up our presents, then we had like half an hour before we had to go down and visit some family of mine. While I was there I didn't have the time to do much with the blog so I just hung out with my cousins. When we got back, I started to work on my storm wizard. She is now a level 18. (Heh. Not much, but it was fun leveling her a bit!)

After meeting up with these amazing little bats I had to fight TWO krakens! It was pretty easy, but only after I used my gobbler card. =D I also got to finish Wintertusk on my balance wizard. I also noticed that you can completely hide yourself in this one little spot. I laughed so hard when my friends came in and were wondering where I went.

See? I am competely hidden inside this pillar of rock. Haha!

I have succesfully kept the giant asleep. All I had to do was sing a lullaby. ;P
And that is about all I have done so far. Heh, I hope to get my storm through krok and my balance through Celestia soon. I can't wait for Zafaria! Have a Happy New Year guys!

Savannah GriffinFriend
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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve!

 Hey guys! I am super excited for today because its Christmas Eve! YAY! I can't wait to open some presents tomorrow. ;p I also wanted to let you all know that the Chrismoose and the snowball are probably gonna be leaving either today or tomorrow so get them while you can! I have the snowball pet and I will hopefully be leveling him up soon so I can tell you guys what powers he possesses. (Is that spelled right?) Anyways, I hope you all have a Merry Christmas, I won't be back for a while due to vacation. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Savannah GriffinFriend

Next to me is Gizmo, the amazing snowball pet!

And here is what his spell does! =D

Monday, December 19, 2011


 Hey guys! So, as everyone knows, the Twelve Days of Wizard are here! All I have to say about this is, IT IS SO MUCH FUN! I absolutely LOVE Christmas. (I like Halloween better. Haha) Let me think of what has come to the Spiral so far.... Chrismoose.... Candy Cane Mounts.... Arctic Pig.... Housing Items.... and let's not forget about the poem contest! I LOVE poems too so I can't wait to see which one(s) won! =D  I hope all of you guys are having just as much fun as I am with all of this Christmas stuff! One more note, have you noticed the new jump? I have, I have a picture below of mid jump... I don't like it as much because its small. Haha, I love bigger movements than just hop. If you get what I mean. XD Have a great Christmas everybody!

Savannah GriffinFriend

After trying FOREVER to get a shot without another wizard in it, I FINALLY got it!

I laughed so hard when I saw how small it was! They are adorable!  =D

See? You just don't go as high, and your arms don't go WHOOSH! they go meh. Haha. Oh well. I guess we're all stuck with it. XD

Thursday, December 15, 2011

On the first day of Wizard...

Hey, everyone! Diana B here! Sorry that I haven't posted in a while...

Ok, so there are a couple of things that I'm going to post about. First of all, if you go to the login screen of Wizard101, there's a cute little video that you can watch. (I feel bad for the poor guy who has to run around Africa finding all the animals just for their sounds!)

Also, there is something called "The 12 Days of Wizard".

 On December 9th, the adorable "Chrismoose" came out!

A little hard to see but it's awesome!

On December 10th, a Holiday Poem Conteset started. You can submit a poem that is holiday- or snow-themed, and you have a chance to earn 60,000 crowns! I've already submitted mine!

On December 11th, they WERE offering a free Christmas light decoration, but this offer expired. You can still buy it in the crowns shop, though!

So pretty!

On December 12th, they offered 50% off the famed Wyvern's Hoard Pack. However, this offer has expired as well, but it's still in the Crowns Shop!

Care for another try at that wyvern?

On December 13th, Wizard101 introduced a new pet: the Arctic Ninja Pig! Here's a look at that pet...

The stats of this pet got in the way of the viewing, so I'll just tell you them:
Arctic Ninja Pig
No Auction
Crowns Only
Pedigree: 61(0)
215 Max (Strength)
240 Max (Intellect)
240 Max (Agility)
215 Max (Will)
200 Max (Power)
Hatch time:
5 minutes

So go on over and 'Pig' out!

On December 14th, a TON of new Christmas-themed furniture came out.
First, there's the Big Holiday tree, sure to bring some smiles!

                                          Then there's the Holiday Wreath to go with your tree!
                                                             They even put pinecones on it!

Then there's the snowman!

It doesn't matter what happens, this snowman NEVER melts!

Next is the Colored Light Strand which I have already talked about.

After that is the Milk and Cookies!

Hmm... Could these come in handy for something?....

And last, but DEFINITELY not least, (the most important part to some people), is the Polka-Dot Present. You can put these under your tree and you're guarunteed some smiles!

This is really a must-have!

And for the 15th of December, it hasn't revealed what we get yet, but it DOES hint, "Get Crowns for Your Holiday Shopping!"
That certainly sound promising!

Ok, well, that's all I have for you!

Oh, I almost forgot! I have to put a bunch of "Quote-of-the-Week"s for all the weeks I missed!

"Did you know that dolphins are so smart that within a few weeks of captivity they can train people to stand on the edge of their pool and throw them fish?"

"Knowledge is knowing that the tomato is a fruit; wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad."

"Why does somebody believe you when you say that there's six billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet?"

"You can't leave footprints in the sands of time if you're sitting. And who wants to leave buttprints in the sands of time?!"

Diana B out!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Snow Days!

 Hey guys! As I post this there is about four or five inches of snow outside! I love it! So, we got a snow day, SO I got to work on my quests some! One of the things that I did was story questing. Another thing that I did was go and look at all the new Christmas stuff! And, since it's December, I have chosen the Pet of the Month! This month's pet is the Yuletide Spirit! It's a new one so I thought that I might as well give it a chance. I am noticing as well that a bunch of people are saying that it's pretty awesome! I can totally agree with them...

 I was also wandering around my Sun Palace today deciding what to do with it and I finally decided on turning it into a resort hidden in the jungle! I still have a lot to do on the outside but the inside only has one or two more rooms to fill! I found that in one of the rooms if you look at the windows a certain way then it looks way cool! Below is the Pet of the Month and the way cool window angle. Hope to see you guys around the Spiral with those awesome new Yuletide Spirits!

Savannah GriffinFriend

I love how its actually a spirit and not all dressed up!

Heh... Ignore the column on the left. It gives a seraph card! I could put that to good use! Haha

I don't know what you think about it but I think it looks cooler than just straight on.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Perfect Day to Post!

 Hey guys! I have finally found some time to post after all of the crazy studying for school and just getting back from a long vacation! I hope all of you had a GREAT Thanksgiving feast and holiday! I know I did. Haha. So, over to the Wizard101 part of the blog, there is a Plant-A-Palooza that started just today! I am really excited because I want to see if there is anything totally awesome to add to my amazing garden! Maybe the candy cane flower? I don't know! Haha. I hope you guys have a fabulous rest of the week and hopefully I will see you around the Spiral! =D

 Savannah GriffinFriend

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hey guys! I just wanted to give a quick happy shout out to everyone to say Happy Thanksgiving! I know it's early but starting tonight I will be with family where there is ZERO internet so that will be fun. Let's hope my garden lives. Haha. Fat chance with that. Anyways, I hope everybody has a wonderful Thanksgiving Feast and you all check out the two new mounts in the Crowns Shop! Don't forget to check out google today! It has a changable turkey! =D

 Savannah GriffinFriend

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Zafaria on the Live Realm!

 Hey guys! I know this is a little bit late but I have been busy with many things so I haven't been on lately. I just head the news yesterday that Zafaria came out on the live realm! I am soooo happy! =D I just got on a few minutes ago and looked in on all the cool stuff that came along with this aweosme new world. The first thing I want to bring up about this is the fact that you can now feed your pet clothing and it can give you gold, rare reagants, or level its self up! It seemed like a good idea but what if you have an epic and you feed it something that gives it experience when it doesn't need it? Anyways, I was surprised about what I found in the crowns shop. The first thing I noticed was that they didn't have all three mounts they only had the ostrich. Another thing that I saw was that they had school specific clothing. (I think they are the first ones ever!) They are level 65 and up and they have some pretty nice spells and stats. The only bad thing is that you can't change the colour. I do like the simple design though! I also noticed a couple of pretty adorable pets, the leopard and the skink. (I like the leopard better, personally.) I hope to see all of you guys out in Zafaria once I get there! I will post some pictures below of the new things you can do!

Savannah GriffinFriend

Now there is a third icon down at the bottom so if you choose some sort of clothing you can click that icon to feed you pet!

Here is the new ostrich mount. I don't personally like it but I suppose a lot of other people do.

Here is the non-school specific outfit. Sadly it is the same price as the others.

Here is the balance version. Same theme except different colours. I couldn't show the stats because they would have covered the actual picture of the clothing.

Here is the amazingly cute leopard pet. Isn't it just so cute?!

Here is the very curious looking skink. Odd looking right?

Finally, here is the new staff. Pretty amazing!

Friday, November 18, 2011


Hey, everyone! Diana B here!

I recently got on Wizard101 and found that they had changed the layout of a character's stats.

This is the basic stats page...

...This is the critical/healing page.

Ok, well that's all! -Diana B

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Giraffe pet

Hi, guys! Diana B here!

So, Savannah was showing me her house. And I thought it looked really good but as soon as I got in there I saw her giraffe pet and it's SO CUTE! I hadn't seen it before and seeing it then just made me smile.

And so did my new record for Triton. ;D

Anyways: Not much new going on; I, myself, hope that the Test Realm closes soon (or Zafaria comes to the live realm) because the Wizard101 world is a little boring for us right now... But until it DOES come, you should see Savannah's post about the Wyvern's hoard if you haven't already. If you never got that wyvern, now's your chance!

Ok, well, nothing else to say, so here's the quote of the week:

"We know the speed of light... What's the speed of dark?"

Diana B out!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Nothing much from the Spiral

 Hey guys! So I have been looking around in the live realm lately and I haven't been able to find anything thats really new. I am very excited to tell you though, that I got my own personal Sun Palace! =D I can't wait to start decorating it! It will be totally awesome when it's done. I hope to math the theme that comes with it. A sort of jungle african theme but on the inside I want to create a hidden resort for any stranded wizards that end up on my little piece of island. I also wanted to mention before I have to go that the Wyvern's Hoard pack is half off for a limited time only! So take advantage of this if you have not yet gotten the awesome wyvern mount from that pack! I hope to at least finish a part of my new Sun Palace to show you before Thanksgiving because over Thanksgiving weekend I will be without internet. Haha. Let's hope there's snow! Anyways, take advantage of this amazing offer before it's too late! Enjoy your holiday season! =D

Savannah GriffinFriend

Monday, November 7, 2011

Hi, everyone!

Hi, everyone! Diana B here!

OK, I haven't been able to post anything for a while because I've been caught up in issues. So this blog is for this week AND last week.

Anyways: I'm sure that you've all heard that the new world, Zafaria, is out on the test realm! I haven't gotten to see it because, like I stated in one of my earlier posts, the test realm messes up my computer... BUT, I do know that there are some cool new cards and that the world is African-themed! Other than that, I really don't know much... So stay tuned!

In other news: Halloween is finally over, so Spooky Bob and Jack Whats-His-Name can't be found in the Shopping District for a while. For some of you, that may be sad-- and for some, a relief! However, that also means that the Thanksgiving person who sells the pilgrim clothes will be back in Wizard City soon. Yay!

And in even more news: Did you know that you can take pictures of your Wizard101 screen with the "Print Screen" key, just for the fun of it? Take lots of pictures! If you go back and look at them later you might laugh!

And last but definitely not least, the TWO Quote-of-the-Weeks!

"Denny's sign: Now hiring     delicious cheesburgers!"
"Car service: If it isn't broken, we'll break it!"
Diana B out!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Pet of the Month!

 Hey guys! I nearly forgot to mention the pet of November thanks to all the craziness of Halloween and the new Zafaria release! So I hope you all accept my apologies. Ok, onto the main topic we go! So the month of November is mainly for Scorpios! Have a happy birthday to all you Scorpios out there! So this month's pet of the month is the Crabling! I chose this guy because he looks really chubby to me and since Thanksgiving is in November why not choose this guy?! Below I will post a picture about this guy. Have a great November! =D

Savannah GriffinFriend

Haha. Side profile! Hope I see some of you with this amazing little guy! =D

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Zafaria on the Test Realm?!

Hey guys! This is awesome news that was just released today! Zafaria is now on the test realm! Yes! You heard right! This awesome new african world is on the test realm with a lot of cool new features! The level cap has now raised to level 70 along with being able to ge ta new card! (Keep in mind that if you were a level 60 before and quested a lot you will stay a level 60 when on the test realm or live realm. Zafaria is not yet on the live realm.) Another thing that I think is pretty neat is pet feeding. So we all have been wanting another way to level up our pets right? Well now we can feed our pets any clothing items (Includes wands, athames, amulets, and rings.) and they have the potential of gaining a few experience points! If they don't gain any experience then you will have the chance to gain gold, treasure cards, or rare reagants! I was just recently actually reading about this and I noticed that we can now buy a housing item that can play music in or outside of our houses! To play we need music scrolls. I haven't tried this out but I am going to be going back soon and finding out where I can get this. So, along with all of this african craziness there are two new pets and three new mounts coming as well as a staff and one, very expensive, outfit in the Crowns Shop. The new mounts are a crocodile, ostrich, and a big hippo with cute tiny wings. The new pets are a little leopard and a skink. I will be posting soon when I see some new stuff either in the test realm or the live realm. Laterz Gatorz! =D

Savannah GriffinFriend

Friday, October 28, 2011

Cool Sun Palace glitches

 Hey guys! So earlier in the week I met this person who had just gotten the super bundle and now she has completely decorated it and glitched it out. I love what she did with it. It's pretty cool. I also thought I saw a rare boss drop or something.... Who knows?! Maybe she got lucky! Anyways below I will post some pictures of her amazing glitches and house. (Heh. I love pictures. Haha)

Savannah GriffinFriend

She has just recently finished this bridge. It goes from the stone in the middle of the waterfall pond all the way back here! =D

Here, I don't know exactly what she wants to call it but it looks like some sort of church to me.

Here is a graveyard. I have a feeling she's been going through those Nightmare Packs lately.

Here is the item I think is rare. It's a sign but it's not in the Crowns Shop. I think its pretty cool looking!

Here is really nothing but I guess she is planning something....

I just wanted to show the door. Haha. It's pretty cool. I wish I could open and close my doors.

Here is the second glitch she was working on. It goes inside the house. Pretty cool stuff.

See? Into the house we go!

Poof! We end up below the house! And we can go almost anywhere on the whole left side! It's pretty cool. Although, you have to port to get out. Haha.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Hi there

Guess who!! ;D

Hey, everyone! I don't think I've done the quote of the week yet (if I have, I don't remember xD so here's an extra).

A cheap guy, seeing the 2 for one beef & cheddar deal but wanting a normal beef, says, "I'll have two beef & cheddars... without the cheddar!"

Ok, so now that that's over with, there are some updates. The rhino mounts are pretty cool, and apparently the house is, too. I finally got to grandmaster gardener and so I am letting all my gardens DIE. Muahahahaha. And apparently you can see Kingsisle members ON Wizard101! I've been wanting to see a KI member for a looooong time, so maybe this is my chance to get lucky! :D

Haha. Well, they are also letting you redo the Halloween quests. And there ARE some rumors of a new, STORY quest world coming soon! Shoot! I haven't even finished Celestia yet!!!!!

Ok, got to go, so until then keep an eye out for those KI members but make sure you read Savannah's post before you do!!!!!

Bye! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

An important note from the Headmaster!

Hey guys! Lately I have been getting into the habit of checking the headmaster's important news and announcements on the message boards like every other day so I checked today and there was a brand new one posted around 1pm today. It was a message saying that there are now people saying they are KI workers and offering crowns and other cool things for account information. If you see one of these people ask them to show their KI badge (the one that says, "Kingsisle Support") and if they dont or are not willing to, REPORT THEM! I mean seriously. Who wants to lose their account FOREVER just because of some crazy people pretending to be all smart. Well, just keep this in mind, if they WERE a KI worker they wouldn't be asking for your account info in the first place! They already have it! I hope you guys read this and keep it in mind. Thanks a lot! (Below is an image of the badge they SHOULD have already equipped if they were a KI worker)

Savannah GriffinFriend


                                               Courtesy of Professor Greyrose.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Savannah's Life House (Progress)

 Hey guys! I have been SUPER busy lately so I havn't been working on my Life  house project lately. So far I have officially decided to just decorate it so it's not much of a project (heh heh) but I am going to try and make sure there are some pretty cool crafted and rare items in there. Below I will post up some pictures of what I have done so far. Haha. Have fun! =D

Savannah GriffinFriend

Here I decided to make a garden out of the simple garden lots. In the gazebo I have a small library with a sign out front saying, "Quiet Please." Works perfectly! Haha!

Here is my, um, front porch! Red Bell Peppers are sort of visible... Ok... not very visible. Oh well!

In here is my kitchen/dining room. I am probably gonna work on rearranging it soon.

Here is my witches office. Perfect for Hallowe'en this year! =D

Finally, here is my amazing mount stable. To the left is a little run around area. Haha. To my right is my Wyvern's pen. In front of me is the actual stables with four stalls on each side. If you have any suggestions or comments on the pictures above please leave a comment! =D

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Work, Work, Work

Hi, everyone! By now you should be able to guess who this is! ;D

So, I have been working for AGES to find out how to do the famed 'carpet glitch'. After many, many, MANY attempts, I finally found out how to do  it using one of the simpler ways. And after about a week, I came up with a floor around the pvp thing in the Massive Fantasy Palace. I had to spend a lot of extra money since I accidentally kept picking up the carpets and losing one or two... hehe... but here is the final result! (Except for the fact that I am expanding across the entire pvp floor.)

Don Don Don... Big staircase

That tree is blocking me!!!! Darn tree...

Ha, tree! I'm above you now! Neenerneenerneer...

Um... You're not telling me I have to jump down, right?!?! 
A long jump down to here

View (More trees in way)

And here is the whole view! See those double carpets? That's one of the spots that I messed up in... xD

ANNNNNNND last but not least... after 9 Orthrus, a grove unicorn, and over 300,000 gold, I FINALLY got my tempest hound!!! Yay! It's giving good talents so far; spritely and "May cast myth trap".

Thank you, Wizard101!!!

That's all I have for you! Diana B. out!