Friday, December 30, 2011

Not Much of a Post

 Hey guys! Christmas was pretty busy for me. Heh. We, of course, opened up our presents, then we had like half an hour before we had to go down and visit some family of mine. While I was there I didn't have the time to do much with the blog so I just hung out with my cousins. When we got back, I started to work on my storm wizard. She is now a level 18. (Heh. Not much, but it was fun leveling her a bit!)

After meeting up with these amazing little bats I had to fight TWO krakens! It was pretty easy, but only after I used my gobbler card. =D I also got to finish Wintertusk on my balance wizard. I also noticed that you can completely hide yourself in this one little spot. I laughed so hard when my friends came in and were wondering where I went.

See? I am competely hidden inside this pillar of rock. Haha!

I have succesfully kept the giant asleep. All I had to do was sing a lullaby. ;P
And that is about all I have done so far. Heh, I hope to get my storm through krok and my balance through Celestia soon. I can't wait for Zafaria! Have a Happy New Year guys!

Savannah GriffinFriend
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