Monday, December 19, 2011


 Hey guys! So, as everyone knows, the Twelve Days of Wizard are here! All I have to say about this is, IT IS SO MUCH FUN! I absolutely LOVE Christmas. (I like Halloween better. Haha) Let me think of what has come to the Spiral so far.... Chrismoose.... Candy Cane Mounts.... Arctic Pig.... Housing Items.... and let's not forget about the poem contest! I LOVE poems too so I can't wait to see which one(s) won! =D  I hope all of you guys are having just as much fun as I am with all of this Christmas stuff! One more note, have you noticed the new jump? I have, I have a picture below of mid jump... I don't like it as much because its small. Haha, I love bigger movements than just hop. If you get what I mean. XD Have a great Christmas everybody!

Savannah GriffinFriend

After trying FOREVER to get a shot without another wizard in it, I FINALLY got it!

I laughed so hard when I saw how small it was! They are adorable!  =D

See? You just don't go as high, and your arms don't go WHOOSH! they go meh. Haha. Oh well. I guess we're all stuck with it. XD