Sunday, November 18, 2012

Azteca and Some Random Pirating!

 Hey guys! So some news from the Spiral is that Azteca is finally out and the level cap is now 90 for all the wizards in Ravenwood! Woohoo! Azteca is a prehistoric world filled with dinosaurs and aztec type thing. Along with the world there also came some mounts and a little lizard pet! The mounts are pretty cool too! They are basically dinos decorated with rainbow feathers and paint and stuff!

 Along with trying to catch up in Wizard101, I have been going around Pirate101! So far it's a lot of fun and not too hard to do if you are trying to solo it. It is a little hard when it comes to choosing which companions should get the training points though ;) Right now I have just begun my journey in Cool Ranch and am a level 16 with a Bonnie Anne that basically ends the fights in one round. I do hope everybody else has given Pirate101 a try because even though it's different, it's still a lot of fun!

 Here's Kestrel and her Bonnie Anne

And here's Kestrel's ship! It's HUGE! O.O

 I hope you all have an amazing Thanksgiving! (I am sayin this now because I have a feeling I won't be able to post before or on Thanksgiving) Don't forget to contact us at: if you need any help or have any questions for us! :)

Savannah GriffinFriend
Kestrel Deveraux