Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Hey, everybody! If you're reading this, then that means that Diana B is BACK IN BUSSINESS!

Sorry about not having posted in who-knows-how-many months. I've probably been gone long enough that some of the new people reading this don't even know that I exist. I would have (and did, actually) posted more if my computer hadn't refused to delete everything I wrote and made it impossible to post. But I think I've fixed that, so here I am!

Ok, enough about me.

So, in the Wizarding World: I'm sure everyone's finished the not-so-new-ish world Avalon. I haven't really gone through it much-- the foxes are pretty cool though-- and I'm sure that Savannah's already done the honors of explaining that world anyway.

I've also heard rumors about an upcoming Pirate101. It's an entirely seperate game from Wizard101 based on-- well, pirates! You can investigate more into it if you'd like. Call me old-fashioned, but I'll probably stick to good old Wizard101...

Oops. Computer freezing. Post more later!

--Diana B